

Lagerstroemia Dynamite

Lagerstroemia Dynamite

Lagerstroemia Dynamite is an upright, compact shrub. It ranges from 3 to 5 meters in height.

The leaves are dark green deciduous in summer, reddish in autumn; the stem is ornamental, from the third year it loses its bark and remains smooth and white, moreover it takes on particular shapes over the years.

It likes both exposure to the sun and partial shade. It needs medium watering and does not need special care during the winter as it is very resistant to cold (down to -15°C).

Flowering occurs between spring and summer and lasts between 4 and 5 weeks, depending on the plant and the climate, it consists of many small flowers that form a bright red cone; the foliage of the plant is colorful and lively during the autumn.

Very efficient for a beautiful outdoor decoration, Lagerstroemia Dynamite is ideal for creating hedges as well as flower beds and planters, as it adds elegance to the environment in which it is placed. It therefore gives a rustic but still current look to any decorative context in which they are inserted, and if well combined, they can create elegant and refined landscapes for any type of terrace, for an avenue or even for a patio, also guaranteeing excellent longevity.

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